19 Nov Blendhub at CSR Night
The company participates in the book: Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in the Murcia Region
Raúl Fernandez, VP Corporate Organization and Ángeles Ruiz Communication and Marketing specialist of Blendhub, received, on Tuesday November 19th, a diploma for the contribution of the company to the book Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in the Murcia Region, coordinated by the CSR Cathedra of the University of Murcia. The presentation of diplomas took place at a ceremony at the Cultural Hall of Caja Murcia in which the Spanish Association of Directors of CSR was also presented.
‘Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives in the Murcia Region’, includes projects developed by the participating companies between 2012 and 2013. Blendhub contributed with a case study on the CSR initiative conducted by the company during last Christmas. Thanks to the initiative ‘Premium Ingredients is Solidarity’, a total of 300 people from a soup kitchen of Murcia, had 2012 Christmas Eve dinner. Additionally, Blendhub’s employees from Murcia and Girona, collected nonperishable food, toys and hygiene products to distribute among local NGOs, while the company itself contributed to the action with food worth 1,000 euros.
Blendhub allocated to this initiative the resources that commonly benefited international projects. The idea of giving back to society what society has given to the business is very present in the corporate values of the company; for this as well as for the difficulties currently being experienced by many families, last year, Blendhub decided to direct their efforts to favor their immediate environment.
In addition to the work of Blendhub, the contribution to the book of business, government and more than forty companies and local offices in the Region of Murcia, Spain, was recognized. The diplomas were received by companies such as El Corte Inglés, ElPozo Alimentación, Hero España, Ikea Ibérica, Postres Reina, Repsol, Plásticos Romero, Grupo Orenes, Agroalimentaria and SAECO, among others.
The opening ceremony was conducted by the Murcian Regional Minister of Education, Universities and Employment, Pedro Antonio Sánchez, and the Rector of the University of Murcia, José Antonio Cobacho, while Juan Jose Almagro, President of the Spanish Association of Directors of CSR, was responsible for presenting the organization that presides during a presentation titled “Ethics for Managers”.
The event, which was attended by representatives of the companies involved in the project, concluded with a roundtable on “Competitiveness and CSR”, which brought together Longinos Marín, Director of the Cathedra of CSR of the University of Murcia; Miguel Moreno, Human Resources Director of Verdimed, and José Ramón Carrasco, Social Action Officer of the Association of Producers and Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables in the Region of Murcia (called Proexport, based on its Spanish acronym).