01 Jun Blendhub supports the continuing education of its employees
On Wednesday, November 13, eight members of the team of Blendhub received diplomas for their successful completion of Management School. This is a training activity that began in May 2013 which imparts Inforges. The course is a sign of the effort of the company to support the process of continued training of its employees and values alignment.
Before the delivery of diplomas, Henrik Stamm Kristensen, Founder and CEO of Blendhub, gave a speech insisting on the importance of the values alignment for Blendhub. “Learning is important, but also the values alignment; the capacity of being a good manager with the ability to transmit and share Blendhub values, will help us continue to grow together for many years “.
Eight company team members receive their diplomas of Managment School
This first edition of Management School for employees of Blendhub, was attended by Juan Sánchez, IT Center of Excellence Manager; Nacho Parra, Accounting Manager; Marian M ª Dolores, Quality Centre of Excellence Manager; Mara Martinez, Project Leader; Elena Torres, People Manager; Conxa Romaguera, Commercial Coordinator and Community Manager of Allfoodexperts, and Ángeles Ruiz, Communication and Marketing Specialist. Given the success of the initiative, the food business company is open to further editions.
Management School, based on the teachings of Peter Drucker, is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to assess and manage their planning and career development capacities. It is based on maximizing their potential; knowing their professional competence profile; designing a personal career; achieving their goals, and having the knowledge and methodology necessary to develop the role of manager in their professional career.
Blendhub, we are open, we are anywhere.