CEO of Blendhub collects the ‘Cinco Días’ Business Innovation Award

CEO of Blendhub collects the ‘Cinco Días’ Business Innovation Award

> Henrik Stamm Kristensen thanked the team and his family for the award and stressed the importance of finding solutions to the hunger challenge, when about one billion people are still hungry.

> Blendhub has developed the world’s first portable factory for the blending of food ingredients, which enables to produce them close to the raw material or the demand.


The founder and CEO of Blendhub, Henrik Stamm Kristensen, collected the Business Innovation Award, which is presented by the newspaper Cinco Días, from Ricardo de Querol, director of the publication. He thanked the jury for awarding a multicultural and multifunctional team and highlighted the work of the staff of Blendhub He also had words of recognition for his wife, Inma Illán, also present at the event, and his children.

“We are in a world that is on its way to ten billion people, with about one billion people going to bed hungry every night. The food sector is changing rapidly and requires solutions. We are proud to have put in place a solution to deliver food to more people, in more places”, said Blendhub’s CEO.

Blendhub is the promoter of an innovative business model for the agri-food sector which is based on its portable factory “Portable Powder Blending”. This modular and mobile production unit is the first of its kind in the world. It can be installed anywhere in the world or the value chain in less than six months, to produce for any company, guaranteeing minimal risk and a considerable reduction in production costs. It is the cornerstone of a model with which the company, according to its vision, wants to “lead a change in the agri-food value chain that enables access to basic food stuffs to be more just and safer, reaching more people in more places”.

The jury of the IX edition of the Cinco Días Prize, composed by the president of the Family Business Association and the Juste group, Inés Justo de Bellosillo; the economist José Carlos Díez; the president of the Club of the Entrepreneurship, Efrén Miranda; the editorial director of the PRISA Group, Javier Moreno; the CEO of Siemens Spain, Rosa García; the president of Adigital, Elena Gómez del Pozuelo, and Ricardo de Querol, director of Cinco Días, also recognized Emite Ingeniería as the most Innovative entrepreneurial action Linked to the University and NH Hoteles as the best project of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The journalist Marta González Novo was in charge of conducting an event in which Chema Alonso, chief data officer of Telefónica, made a presentation on the risks of geolocation in mobile phones. Carmen Vela, Spanish secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, who stressed the importance of connecting the research carried out in university centers with the company, also attended the event.

Read more about the prize in the following links: