12 Apr The Yearly family “learning” trip (II)
Continuing with my trip to Japan… (here is a link to part I)
Another thing I find fascinating about the Japanese society – which is directly related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – is that nearly all employees appeared to be Japanese. We were told that a typical salary for a non skilled worker is around USD 50.000/year. This way companies ensure the welfare of the country’s population and their purchasing power capacity. There is mutual support: enterprises are efficient for their people and vice versa.
Japanese people have also the ability to integrate new ideas into their culture. Our first stop on the initial tour through Tokyo was the Meiji Shrine. And at the entrance, a demonstration about real Japan today and the impact the Meiji transition had on this from 1867-1912. My first photo on the trip: sake barrels for aging rice wine on one side of the patch and Burgundy oak casks on the other side of the patch.
Japan is everywhere smelling of a very open society with admiration for both international as well as local culture. Breakfast in our hotels were often served as Japanese traditional in one room and western in another room or sometimes even together in harmony.
Our trip took us to Hakone or Mount Fuji area where millions of Japanese every year pass to honour the mountain or the Kamis according to shinto tradition. Again in a beautiful and relaxed atmosphere even though all trains and cable cars were full of people. Voices in general were low and respectful so I had to constantly fight with my four Spanish educated children to kept their Db at an acceptable level.
Finally our trip was crowned with 3 nights in fantastic Kyoto arranged with the help of my good friend Take-san originally from Kyoto and his wife from Fushimi but now living in Germany since years however without ever loosing their true Japanese perfection, friendliness and accent. All hotels filled to the last bed, a beautiful cherry blossom and fantastic food.
Thanks to Japan, all the Japanese people and my friend Take-san; you are a model that we all could learn a lot from if our leaders just were a little more visionaries like Meiji back in 1867. Maybe it is about time that Europe and USA now open up for a more spiritual vision coming from Asia.
Hope to see you all soon again.