24 Dec “One idea, one toy”, creativity workshop in India
Blendhub´s Corporate Social Responsibility program enabled children´s wishes to come true as toys last Christmas
“One idea, one toy” is a project sponsored by Blendhub and carried out by the artist Ángel Haro. Its objective has been focused on awakening these children´s creativity by showing them the different possibilities offered by the environment. And how to make the most of them by themselves.
To achieve this objective, Ángel Haro has developed a “creativity workshop” in the Jesuit Mission of Dhandhuka in Gujarat (India). For a week, 80 children between 8 and 12 years old enjoyed the lessons given by the artist.
50 handmade toys
The fruits of this workshop were about 50 toys based on different themes and manufactured by themselves with recycled materials from the area. As a closing ceremony, a toys exhibition accompanied by a festive event which brought together to children, teachers and neighbors, was celebrate
Blendhub´s Corporate Social Responsibility program enabled children´s wishes to come true as toys last Christmas. These children from one of the poorest areas of India learned to create their own toys with recycled materials.
The result was surprising!
Una Idea, Un Juguete // One Idea, One Toy from Blendhub on Vimeo.