
Blendhub and local organization eKutir have leveraged their core capabilities to innovate and create shared value along the Ragi value chain by applying technology to improve farming practices, revitalize crops and digitize quality control. Consumption of ragi (finger millet), a cereal originating in different regions of...

Ice cream manufacturers in India have been facing the same challenges for years when producing ice cream: it is often difficult to achieve homogenous blends and smooth, creamy textures. Maintaining consistency, high resistance to melting and preventing ice crystal growth is critical to obtain a high-quality final product in extreme temperatures, as...

How can we ensure a safer, more sustainable and healthier food system? Which path should the food industry take to meet current challenges? Last week I took part on the FoodTure event organised by AZTI innovation centre. FoodTure is an innovation platform to drive the transformation of the agri-food industry towards a more sustainable system. This...