During its annual meeting in Davos - the focal point for leaders to accelerate the partnerships needed to tackle global challenges and shape a more sustainable and inclusive future-, the World Economic Forum released a paper that calls for new collaboration between organizations, businesses, investors...

Ice cream manufacturers in India have been facing the same challenges for years when producing ice cream: it is often difficult to achieve homogenous blends and smooth, creamy textures. Maintaining consistency, high resistance to melting and preventing ice crystal growth is critical to obtain a high-quality final product in extreme temperatures, as...

Including fruit in ice creams helps improve flavour and colour as well as the products’ nutritional and organoleptic profile. But it also requires ensuring the right texture and performance of the final product.  At Blendhub we are committed to support the Indian ice cream and fruit industries in developing solutions that help optimize product performance and costs. Accordingly, we have developed new ingredients...

CloudBlending is a business model which optimizes the relationships within the agri-food value chain to facilitate the development of new powder based food products and reduce their cost, both for the companies working with these components and the consumer accessing to food. From 31 October...